Black-bellied Bustard
Lissotis (Eupodotis) melanogaster
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The male black-bellied bustard is distinguished from other male bustards by the entirely black underparts, grey chin, and white cheeks surrounded by a fine black line that extends to the posterior eye. The territorial dispute photos (Mara River, 9-14), are courtesy of Paul Oliver, as is the bird in display flight (row 4, Mwiba, 12-15). The female and juvenile photo (Ngorongoro Crater, 4-19) is courtesy of Alex Rees. The head photos were taken at Ngorongoro Crater (1-07). The 8th row photos birds were at Ngorongoro Crater and Yaida Valley (both 1-16). The birds in the video were in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater ( 3-18); and the bottom, at Ngorongoro Crater (1-08), courtesy of Roger Zimmerman; click the lower photo to see 22 enlargements including more display photos.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Roger Zimmerman, Colin Beale, Steve Dolberg, Maren Hilton, Alex Rees
Henrik Kisbye, Paul Oliver, Michael Oates, Stuart Webb, Amos Pampy Hardecker

Last Update this page: 4-10-22