Tanzanian Birds & Butterflies


This website displays over 20,000 photos of 1080 Tanzanian bird species and 481 butterfly species. Most photos were taken in Tanzania; some, in other countries where ranges cross borders. The bird section may be searched from a list of common names, by taxonomic order or by using the website-specific search box on each webpage; the butterflies, from a list of scientific names, a photo ID page or the search box. Links are also provided to bird calls, distribution maps and, for weaver species, to Birds4Africa.



All unattributed bird images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 David Peterson or Ron Eggert

All unattributed butterfly images on this website are:
copyright © 2013-24 Trude Peterson

All other images are the property of the indicated photographers

Contact: tanzaniabirds@gmail.com