Ashy Starling
Lamprotornis (Cosmopsarus) unicolor
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The ashy starling is an East African endemic, found in open and wooded grassland with baobab trees. The nest with eggs was in Yaida Valley in a Commiphora mollis about 1.5 m off the ground on the main trunk. Nesting material included fine roots and a shed cobra skin. The local Hadza said that the starling eggs are always light green/blue but that sometimes there is also a white one as in the photo above (a greater honeyguide egg?); click the photo to see the enlargements. Click the top photo for more fight photos. The 4th row photo (Tarangire, 10-15) is courtesy of Michael Oates. Except for the nest/eggs, all of the photos above were taken in Tarangire NP. Go to the Map page for detailed geo-referenced maps.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-23 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Henrik Kisbye, Rick Carlson, Michael Oates, Paul Oliver

Last Update this page: 12-14-23