Martial Eagle
Polemaetus bellicosus
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The adult martial eagle has white underparts with variable numbers of black dots, while the immature lacks the spots: click the photo of both to see a slideshow of enlargements that includes adults, immatures, juveniles, and an immature regurgitating a pellet. Click the left lower photo to see a series of photos of an adult feeding on a newborn impala. The left upper immature (Mkomazi, 8-23) is courtesy of Kim Axmann. The right lower adult with baby impala (Lobo, 10-17) is courtesy of Abby Olemisiko; the upper flight photo (Mufindi, 1-17), courtesy Florence Holmen; and the nest (Grumeti Reserve, 7-18), courtesy Gary Douglas. The other photos were taken in Kikoti, Tarangire and Yaida Valley.

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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Gary Douglas, Karine Van der Vurst, Michael Bassler, Paul Oliver, Kim Axmann
Michael Oates, Florence Holmen, Abby Olemisiko, Peter King

Last Update this page: 9-09-23